I got rid of my horde paladin so I could make an alliance warrior to level with my brother. Of course, we made them, played twice, and it looks like further time leveling them will be few and far between. S'okay though - horde pally wasn't getting any time out of Orgrimmar herself. In fact, she was still standing at the mailbox on her little red pally mount and had twenty minutes of fire festival buff left on her. The only really sad thing about parting with her was .. well, I mean, come on... the red pally mount is dead sexy.
So that means I have - Alliance Side - 70 Ret Paladin, 70 Resto Shaman, 70 BM Hunter, 65 Feral (rawr-kitty) Druid, 63 Shadow Priest, 15 Rogue, and 12 Warrior. Horde side I have 70 BM Hunter, 55 Feral (rawr-kitty) Druid, 28 Shadow Priest, and 30 Enhance Shaman. (*These would be the current "viable" characters. For this purpose I define "viable" as: I would notice if they were gone and in some way or another I'm still logging into them even if not necessarily leveling.)
Next change: I made another warlock. I've tried the warlock many times in the past and it just never fit for me somehow. Kind of like me with rogues. They never make it past 20. But this little warlock ... she seems to fit somehow. I've even been playing her in Darkshore since it had been ages since I'd been there and then trekking back to ol' Ironforge to train. She's only 16 but after two days I can see her at the very least getting her 30 mount.
The other big change is that - as everyone has heard by now - Blizzard opened up PvE to PvP server transfers. This is HUGE and EXCITING news for me. I have a good friend who plays on a PvP server and I've longed to play with her and her guild. But my attempts to level there fall a far backseat to playing on my server. But now I can move those lonely horde characters from my server over to play with them!
Well, one character. They have plenty of hunters - who doesn't? And I can't see my way to spend $50 moving characters - one move is plenty. So I've been putting the full court press on leveling the druid so she can raid with them - hopefully before expansion. She was 52 when Blizzard made the announcement and I went home that same day and started working on her. Alliance side obligations (and interests) have taken time away from her a bit, but the plan is to get her to 60, empty her mailbox (a daunting chore, I can tell you) and Friday move her to her new home. There she can level with my friend's Warlock alt and benefit from guild runs.
I'm excited but nervous! This is a huge guild and while I've found everyone I've hung out with there to be cool, interesting people pretty much - it's still intimidating. The idea is to make her a healer and I've never done druid healing. That means raiding and I've never done that either! I feel like I bring nothing to the table but "I'm friends with one of your top DPSers!" and I don't want to be riding her coat-tails! That gives me performance anxiety issues worse than I already had. And PvP! I'm a carebear server alt-a-holic! I've never been ganked, ever. Even the characters I've made on her server - low levels and low population means I've skated by unobserved and unganked as yet. And this weekend that all changes. It's skery!
And one more change: she needs a new name. I'm a big fan of original names that only bring up one result on armory. My current name is far too common and I'm ready for something different for her new home and new purpose.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Moar Changes!
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